Economy Growth
Pursue the economic growth with both the local business and government, so that people can all enjoy the development of the society.
By complying with the law of taxation, finance the local government to be more capable in improving the infrastructure, education, society welfare, etc.
Collaboration with Local Community
Promote the development of local capacity through close co-operation with the local community.
By working together with the people in the city or region where we do business, we help local communities to develop.
Employment and People Development
By creating jobs and providing training, we promote the development of ‘human capital’.
Encourage people to extend their knowledge base and push the boundaries
Cultivate local managerial skills by knowledge transfer
Support employees to express their political opinions which can shape a better society
Diversity and Equality
We respect human’s diversity, and we treat people equally regardless of the differences in culture, color, gender, age, sexual preference, etc.
Encourage people to be aware of the differences and exercise human rights
Science and Technology
We will create the opportunities for the people in areas that we do business in to receive, understand and apply the knowledge of the most advanced science and technology

RBG Africa Logistics
RBG AL’s Commitments to Society