Population: 29.5 million, about 70% live and work in rural areas.
Borders: Real gross domestic product (GDP) of Mozambique is $37.386 billion in 2017, with 3.7% growth rate, well below the 7% GDP growth achieved on average between 2011 and 2015. Growth is expected to remain relatively flat at around 3% in the medium-term...
Development of
Port of Beira
Cornelder de Mocambique (CdM) is a co-investment between Mocambique Ports and Railways (CFM) and Cornelder Holding based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. CdM operates the Container and General Cargo Terminals in the Port of Beira since October 1998. The current handling capacity of CdM is 400K TEUs and 10 million tons per year...
Cyclone IDAI
in Beira
Intense Tropical Cyclone Idai (/ɪˈdaɪ, ˈiːdaɪ/) was one of the worst tropical cyclones on record to affect Africa and the Southern Hemisphere. The long-lived storm caused catastrophic damage in Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Malawi, leaving more than 1,300 people dead and many more missing. Idai is the deadliest tropical cyclone recorded...
Talk to us for a quote or other information by filling the form below.
1st Floor, Right Wing, AgriVerde Building,
Av. Kruss Gomes, Munhava - Beira, Mozambique
Email : info@rbgafricalogistics.com
Tel: (+258) 23 324722 / (+258) 84 2058868